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Subject: Re: [boost] JSON Parser GSoC 2013
From: John Venarchick (john.venarchick+boost_dev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-04-12 13:37:28

> 2013/4/12 Michael Marcin <mike.marcin_at_[hidden]>
>> Arindam Mukherjee wrote:
>>> In JSON we typically deal with maps and arrays. The arrays themselves
>>> could
>>> have arbitrary types (string, object, array, numeric, boolean, null) as
>>> elements. The key types in the maps are always strings and the value types
>>> in the maps could be anything that can appear in an array, including
>>> another map or array.
>>> Due to this, I'd imagine being able to use Boost.Variant or Boost.Any in a
>>> list and as a value_type in a map would help.

I have been doing some work with JSON and boost by modifying the
current 1.53 ptree. I created a type for use as the data_type of the
ptree that represents the various options for JSON data (no value,
null value, bool, integer, float, string). It uses boost::variant and
visitors. I have it working for my purposes, but would want to make it
a little nicer before submitting a patch. I also implemented
between to make it work with the spirit
classic parser in json_parser_read and json_parser_write. I can post
more if anyone is interested.

I'm also working a generic way to load arbitrary structures from the
created ptree.

-John V

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