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Subject: Re: [boost] [gil] Ok to merge new gil's extension to release branch?
From: Steven Watanabe (watanabesj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-04-14 18:45:04


On 04/14/2013 02:36 PM, Christian Henning wrote:
>>> I see. I'll run again when you found the error.
>> Should be fixed now--at least it works for me.
> Ok, I updated the trunk and rebuild bjam. So when I run:

You shouldn't actually need to rebuild bjam.
This is just a matter of getting the test
harness working.

> <snip>
> STDOUT {{{
> Performing configuration checks
> - zlib : no
> - zlib : no
> ...skipped <pbin\mock\debug>test.exe for lack of
> <pbin\mock\debug>test.obj...
> ...skipped <pbin\mock\debug\link-static>test.exe for lack of
> <pbin\mock\debug\link-static>test.obj...
> ...failed updating 2 targets...
> }}}
> <snip>
> I cannot find the test-config.jam in my boost folder but there is
> test-config-example.jam. Did you miss to commit that file?

test-config.jam doesn't need to exist.
If it exists, it overrides user-config.jam.

> When I run in the verbose mode the output is:

What's odd is that the errors don't appear
with --verbose. Did you get all the output?
Does it fail consistently without --verbose?

> common.mkdir bin
> <snip>

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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