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Subject: Re: [boost] [range] location of numeric algorithms
From: Nathan Crookston (nathan.crookston_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-04-18 00:57:28

Hi Nate,

Nathan Ridge wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there any reason the numeric algorithms in Boost.Range (accumulate(),
> inner_product(), etc.) are located in boost/range/numeric.hpp rather
> than in files named boost/range/algorithm/<algorithm-name>.hpp like
> every other algorithm? I think it's confusing for users who expect
> the uniform file naming convention that Boost.Range applies to other
> algorithms, to apply to these ones too.

I do find it a little surprising that there's boost/range/algorithm/*.hpp,
but only boost/range/numeric.hpp.

I would be surprised to have a boost/range/algorithm/accumulate.hpp, but so
long as numeric.hpp continues to exist, it's not such a bad thing.

Would you envision boost/range/algorithm.hpp pulling in the numeric
algorithms? I don't think the minor coupling implied is too bad, I'm just

I find the current numeric versus algorithm division as sensible as it is
in the standard library -- and since I dealt with that for a long time
before discovering boost.range, it didn't surprise me too much. Those
coming at it a different way may feel differently, of course.


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