Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] [gsoc-2013] proposal for approximate string matching
From: Yu Jiang (sunlightt07_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-05-03 10:16:54
2013/4/30 Erik Erlandson <eje_at_[hidden]>
> I'm not familiar with how the similarity search container will want to
> work - whether it is a Simple Associative Container (like set<>), or a
> Paired Associative Container (like map<>). Seems as though it has set-like
> behavior, where you're maintaining a set of objects, and then you query it
> for all the members that are with some radius of a given query-object.
> Thanks for your advice these days and sorry for reply this email late. I
finally decide to implement both a set like container (contains string
only) and a map like container (use "string" as the key type and an
arbitrary type as the value type). I have just submitted my final proposal.
Thanks you a lot!
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