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Subject: Re: [boost] [gsoc-2013] Boost.Thread/ThreadPool project
From: Dan Lincan (dan.lincan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-05-04 13:58:58
Hi Vincente,
I'm sorry but I can't give you proper answers now because l don't have
internet access on my computer at my current location. I will get back home
in 2 days.
On May 2, 2013 6:16 PM, "Vicente J. Botet Escriba" <vicente.botet_at_[hidden]>
> Le 02/05/13 11:58, Dan Lincan a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I have updated my proposal following your guide and tried to answer
>> and give solution to most of the problems. I have tried to separate
>> the interface with the implementation details so when choosing an
>> interface a feature can be easily added by following the exact
>> interface header so multiple implementations can be used without
>> affecting the user(ex: scheduling algorithm for dynamic thereads,
>> bounded/unbounded queues etc). I hope this approach is better.
>> You can find the pdf version here [1]. The previous version of the
>> proposal can be found here [2].
>> Thank you very much for the feedback, suggestions, guidance and the
>> really fast answers.
>> [1] http://danlincan.3owl.com/**gsoc/final-proposal.pdf
>> [2] http://danlincan.3owl.com/**gsoc/Proposal.pdf
>> Hi Dan,
> *The new proposal contains:*
> *Waitable tasks*
> This feature gives the user the option to wait for a task to finish and
> retrieve its result.
> Drawback is that maybe the user is not interested in the result of the
> task.
> Interface
> template<classFunction,class..**.Args >
> boost::future<typenameboost::**result_of<Functionf()>::type>
> submit(Function&&f, Args&&args);
> My comments:
> what do you think of separating the responsabilities, the thread pool
> schedules Callables (void()) and a submit free function manage with futures:
> class thread_pool {
> public:
> template<class Callable >
> void submit(Callable&&);
> ...
> };
> template<typename, Executor, class Function,class... Args >
> boost::future<typename boost::result_of<Function (Args...)>::type>
> submit(Executor& e, Function&& f, Args&& args);
> Implementing this function needs to use the same techniques than
> boost::async()*
> The new proposal contains:*
> *Task scheduling priority*
> The user would be allowed to give the tasks a priority, something similar
> to the operating system process priority: low, medium, high etc.
> Performance is lost when the algorithm to schedule tasks is running. Based
> on the implementation, this can be more that O(1), thus big overhead.
> Another problem is fair scheduling. Low priority tasks have to run at some
> point even if only high priority tasks are being submitted to the
> threadpool.
> Interface
> template<classFunction,class..**.Args ,class Priority>
> boost::future<typenameboost::**result_of<Functionf()>::type>
> submit(Function&&f, Args&&args, Priorityp = default_priority());
> My comments:
> I don't think adding priorities in this way would improve the performances.
> *The new proposal contains:*
> *Task execution order*
> For example the user might want x tasks to be executed, then only after
> all x have been executed another y can be executed and so on. So the user
> could assign the priority 1 to the x tasks and 2 to y tasks. The threadpool
> will know that level 2 tasks can only be executed after level 1 tasks are
> done.
> Performance is lost when a task is chosen to be executed. For example, if
> using priority queues, the complexity would be O(logn) plus the locks which
> can slow down a lot the scheduling.
> This feature can be used as a kind of serial executor by giving higher and
> higher numbers to the order argument.
> Interface
> template<class Function,class...Args ,class Order>
> boost::future<typenameboost::**result_of<Functionf()>::type>
> *submit**(**Function**&&***f*, **Args&&*args*, **Order*o= default_order());
> *Callback functions / Continuations*
> The user can also set a callback function when submitting a task to the
> threadpool. This function will run as soon as the task is finished by the
> threadpool.
> Drawback: Since the callback function is runned by the thread which
> executs the task, this thread can be block if the callback function is
> blocking. Also the callback has no parameters.
> Interface
> template<class Function,class...Args ,class Callback>
> boost::future<typenameboost::**result_of<Functionf()>::type>
> *submit**(**Function**&&***f*, **Args&&*args*, **Callback*c=
> default_callback());
> My comments:
> I prefer continuations than callbacks and prefer an interface that
> explicitly states the dependencies.
> when_all(submit(f), submit(g)).then(h);
> *The new proposal contains:*
> *Task cancellation*
> With this feature the use can cancel a submitted task. If the task is
> currently being executed it will be interrupted. For implementation
> boost::thread::intterupts will be activated.
> template<class Function,class...Args ,class Callback,class Task>
> boost::future<typenameboost::**result_of<Functionf()>::type>
> *submit**(**Function**&&***f*, **Args&&*args*, ****Task&*task);
> Task has the function cancel which cancels/interrupts when called.
> My comments:
> This is a little bit complex from the users point of view.
> I guess the best is to either:
> * adding to boost::future the possibility to interrupt the task, or
> * returning a interrupted_future<T> or task<T> that can be interrupted.
> There is an additional requirement. The user must ensure that all the
> tasks related to some object are executed sequentially but the task
> submission don't knows about the pending tasks.
> Continuations don't solve the problem. What would you add to make the
> users life easier? (please read the discussion about threadpool and ASIO,
> the answer is someway there).
> Best,
> Vicente
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