Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] boost-1.54 needs a bugfix!
From: Oliver Kowalke (oliver.kowalke_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-07-02 04:28:16
2013/7/2 John Maddock <john_at_[hidden]>
> unfortunately boost-1.54 needs a bugfix - because my request to merge
>> boost.coroutine into release a required bugfix was not applied :(
>> I'm wondering because the regression-tests are passed?!
>> what to do? should I modify the fix in boost-release and archives of
>> boost-1.54 are rebuild?
> Unless it's a showstopper, I'd say let 1.54 ship as is.
boost.coroutine does not build and therefore boost.asio would also not
build (because of new async_result feature using coroutines).
> And this is from someone who also failed to get a last minute patch
> applied (blame my gall bladder for knocking me over at the wrong moment!).
the bugfix was out-of-my focus because I did a lot work on boost.coroutine.
because of many changes I forgot to fix the typo.
As I sad the regression-tests on
http://www.boost.org/development/tests/release/developer/coroutine.html are
Even if I do build boost.coroutine in libs/coroutine/examples or
libs/coroutine/test the library builds.
It fails only if b2 is called from boost-root - I assume this is an issue
of boost-build system.
To fix the bug in lib/coroutine/build/Jamfile.v2:
- explicit yield_sources ;
+explicit allocator_sources ;
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk