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Subject: Re: [boost] Patch bonanza for VS2013 Preview support
From: Eric Niebler (eniebler_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-07-04 12:54:24
On 7/4/2013 8:50 AM, Niall Douglas wrote:
> [Stephan T. Lavavej]:
>> Now it's probably too late to fix this in 2013 RTM. Please please
>> please don't sit on bug reports!
> I appreciate that. However, the code is not even of beta quality
> itself yet. It was originally pure C++11 and therefore taxes C++11
> implementation in novel ways. Once it is fully converted to Boost
> and is mature enough that I think it reliable enough for me to draw
> conclusions from it about other people's code, then and only then is
> the right time to start formulating bug demonstration examples for
> third party code.
I don't understand your
"my-code-is-imperfect-so-third-party-libraries-are-blameless" attitude.
The time to file a bug is when you find it. Even when writing throw-away
or pre-alpha code, when I see something that isn't right, I create a
scratch project and try to reproduce it. Then I file the bug and get on
with my work. Often, even before my pre-alpha project has matured, the
bug has been fixed and I can remove my workaround. That's how it should
-- Eric Niebler Boost.org http://www.boost.org
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