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Subject: Re: [boost] [mixin] New library reminder
From: Borislav Stanimirov (b.stanimirov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-07-13 02:50:45

On 07/12/2013 06:19 PM, Larry Evans wrote:
> How could type TypeErasure library be used to attach concepts
> analogous to xml_serializer and book_data to a mixin::object
> which has been mutated as above? (BTW, I don't see a real use for
> this; however, I'm just trying to get a better understanding of the
> relationship between the two libraries).

I don't think that's possible. TypeErasure's concepts work with template
functions that either compile or don't compile for a specific type. The
mixin objects in Boost.Mixin as a C++ type have almost nothing. The
object's messages (methods) that become available when you add some
mixins to it are dynamically bound. You cannot have compile time checks
about the mixins that comprise an object. Only runtime checks. Calling a
message on a boost::mixin object ALWAYS compiles. If the message is not
available there will be a runtime error instead.

Of course you CAN have TypeErasure concepts for the actual methods of
boost::mixin::object like `has`, `get`, `implements`, but I don't think
that's very useful.

Since TypeErasure provides primarily compile time features, and
Boost.Mixin provides almost exclusively runtime features, I don't think
you can combine the power of both libraries to do something cool (like
calling Captain Planet :D)

-- Borislav

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