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Subject: Re: [boost] [multimethods] Proposal: Open Multi-Methods
From: Jean-Louis Leroy (jl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-07-29 14:39:46
Hi Nate - and Edward,
I would like some feedback before starting the work on the doc because
if there is a chance that this lib becomes a Boost library, I will
write it directly in accordance with the Boost guidelines and
traditions (i.e. imitate).
I assumed that readers of this list will know what a multi-method is,
in which case the examples show very clearly how to use the lib. The
examples are by no means expected to replace proper documentation but
at this point I just want to gauge the interest in a multi-method
library done right (I think I that have achieved that) and perhaps
spark a discussion on e.g. the exact names of the macros.
I also avoided incorporating examples in my initial post to avoid
clutter. What's the point of mixing English with code when the
examples are but a click away? I preferred to describe the
characteristics of my solution because there are many different
approaches to implementing this kind of facility.
Now maybe I am wrong on both points. Let's wait a couple of days and see...
In the meantime I have added a step by step explanation of the "next"
example, the most interesting and complete one, available here:
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 6:49 PM, Nathan Crookston
<nathan.crookston_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Hi Jean-Louis,
> Jean-Louis Leroy wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am working on library that pretty much implements what Pirkelbauer,
>> Solodkyy and Stroustrup describe in their paper "Open Multi-Methods for
>> C++" - although there are some divergences. I have posted it on
>> GitHub: https://github.com/jll63/**multimethods
>> Please examine the
>> files in the "examples" directory to get an idea of how to use it.
> I would be very interested in this library. As docs are still forthcoming,
> the original paper may be of interest to those that aren't familiar with
> multimethods:
> http://www.stroustrup.com/multimethods.pdf
> I'll check out the examples when I get some time.
> Thanks,
> Nate
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