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Subject: [boost] How to center an element in Boost QuickBook?
From: Niall Douglas (ndouglas_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-07-31 11:35:05
As the documentation for proposed Boost.AFIO comes together for this week's
GSoC Milestone 1 (feel free to check it out at
umentation/?), a problem has emerged. We'd like a matrix table containing
ticks and crosses, and building such a thing in QuickBook is easy.
However, we'd also like to center the ticks and crosses in each table cell,
otherwise it looks poor. Is there some way I haven't realized of aligning
content in Boost QuickBook, or even BoostBook itself?
The DocBook documentation suggests one can do a '''<entry
align="center">'''__tick__'''</entry>''' (the triple single ticks escape
from QuickBook into BoostBook). However unfortunately BoostBook defines CSS
which overrides the per-cell alignment :(
Thanks in advance for the help.
--- Opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of BlackBerry Inc.
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