Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] How do folks test serialization code?
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-08-05 01:30:08
Jens Weller wrote:
> Hi,
> With running tests in the cloud that could be possible indeed,
> but this adds up quickly. 5 Plattforms today would maybe Win, Linux,
> Mac, Android & iOS.
> But there is much more, so testing this - while not being impossible -
> will keep growing into complexity, until your number of tests will
> not be able to run within a certain timeframe.
> One should also test all compilers on all available Plattforms f.e.
In my not so humble opinion the "defnitive" solution to this problem
is the following.
a) User downloads some libraries.
b) There is sort of an installation process which makes it inconvenient
to skip testing as part of that installation.
c) The tests are run on the users environment
d) the results are posted in a common database.
a) spreads the testing throughout the known universe
b) is scalable
c) guarentees that libraries are tested in all environoments
actually being used.
d) doesn't waste time on testing platforms which aren't being
It is a natural consequence of the (slow) evolution of
boost into a more decoupled system.
>> I'm actually afraid to enhance the library due to concerns
>> that the testing requirements might be even bigger. Also
>> I've become somewhat skeptical of the the scalability of
>> the boost testing methodology. I'm actually working on
>> addressing this.
> That does not sound to good. Maybe its time to move on, and think
> about serialization II, > as we have signals2 now? Would that make sense?
How would that diminishing the testing load. As boost adds more
libraries and platforms proliferate, the amount of resources
consumed by testing is growing faster than boost itself is.
Robert Ramey
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk