Boost : |
Subject: [boost] [countertree] Concurrent set and map with random access iterators
From: Francisco José Tapia (fjtapia_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-08-21 12:45:18
this message is to announce the version 2.0 of the [countertree +
suballocator] library.
*This library provide a **concurrent** and **thread safe** implementation
of the tree based data structures (**set, multiset, map** and **multimap**,
plus a new data structure named **vector_tree**) with **random access
iterators** and **access by position** like a vector. *
*This permit to distribute the elements stored in the trees, between an
arbitrary number of threads, identically as do with the vectors, making
easy the design of **parallel algorithms** applied to the tree based data
structures (as you can see in 2.3.-
, and their use by the **multicore development tools** as **OpenMP,
Threading Building Blocks ...*
*You can find the documentation and the code in the GitHub*
*https://github.com/fjtapia/countertree_2.0* or you can see online in my dropbox page :
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8437476/works/countertree_2.0/index.html If you prefer download a file with all the code and the documentation :
Perhaps the most interested parts of the documentation are :
1.4.- Concurrent version where explain the problems and new functions
1.5.- Next improvements. Where explain the future development of the
1 year ago I presented the request for the evaluation of the [countertree+
This version is big ( 50.000 lines ) and involve many programming areas (
I am sure there are many things to correct and improve. In the Boost
If you find an error, or you miss something in the library or have any idea
Sincerely yours
Francisco Tapia
*The Boost Formal Review Schedule is in
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk
library and the concurrent algorithms
suballocator] version 1.0. The approval process is stopped due to the
absence of review managers, and in the meanwhile I continued with the
develop of this version 2.0.
algorithms, memory management, threads, locks ...) In the design process I
must took many decision according my knowledge.
community there are many people with knowledge and experience, and I trust
they can help me in order to provide to the C++ users a good library.
or comment about it, please mail me and I will correct as soon as possible.
http://www.boost.org/community/review_schedule.html where you can see the
projects and their situation.