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Subject: Re: [boost] [cpo-proposal] presentation of the idea
From: Larry Evans (cppljevans_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-08-28 08:51:08
On 08/27/13 23:51, Gottlob Frege wrote:
> <snip> big thread about polymorphic container ... </snip>
> I hope I didn't miss anything in the thread. If I'm repeating something,
> sorry.
> I don't think we want or need to limit what we put into the container.
> Neither by forcing certain virtual functions onto the base class, nor by
> limiting what the contained types can and can't do (like have pointers to
> themselves and do funky things in their copy/move constructors).
> When push_back<Triangle> is called, we create an instance of an
> ItemHandler<Triangle> class, that derives from BaseItemHandler, and
> implements copy/move virtually. ie type-erasure. ItemHandler<Triangle>
> knows how to move/copy Triangles. It is not Triangle's job!
> We put the ItemHandler<Triangle> in a map<RTTI, BaseItemHandler*>.
> Note:
> - we only need *one* ItemHandler<Triangle> for all Triangles, not one for
> each.
> - Triangle doesn't have any do_copy/move/size virtual functions,
> ItemHandler<Triangle> does.
> - we can store Triangle mixed in with Squares and other shapes or isolated
> in a group of Triangles. Maybe different containers will choose
> differently.
> - if stored mixed together, then we have a parallel vector that is a
> pointer to BaseItemHandler* for each item in the main vector.
> ie (typed in email, so should not compile)
> struct BaseItemHandler
> {
> virtual void do_copy(char * dest, char const * src) const = 0;
> virtual std::size_t size() const = 0;
> };
> template <typename T>
> struct ItemHandler : BaseItemHandler
> {
> virtual void do_copy(char * dest, char const * src) const
> {
> T * typed_src = reinterpret_cast<T*>(src);
> new (dest) T(*typed_src); // in-place copy construct
> }
> virtual std::size_t size() const
> {
> return sizeof(T);
> }
> };
> template <typename Item> void classifier::push_back(Item const & item)
> {
> char const * key = typeid(Item).name(); // or use raw name or address
> of type info
> // add/get handler to/from map
> HandlerMap::iterator itHandler = handlerMap.find(key);
> BaseItemHandler * handler = 0;
> if (itHandler == handlerMap.end()) {
> // new type we haven't seen before
> handler = new ItemHandler<Item>;
> handlerMap[key] = handler;
> } else {
> handler = *itHandler;
> }
> char * space = make_space_for_item(handler->size()); // make space in
> vector<char>
> handler->do_copy(space, item); inplace copy construct
How does make_space_for_item assure the return value is aligned
properly for an Item type?
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk