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Subject: Re: [boost] GSoC 2014
From: Christopher Kormanyos (e_float_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-10-15 18:08:49

First off, you need to wait for the project announcement and the application period. But watch out, as it really does come up pretty early, and it goes by really fast, such as March or April. In general it helps to identify a project early in the application phase and try to write the best application you can. It is beneficial to discuss the project, your application and some trivial technical details on the board. For project specifics, it is better to engage in private e-mails with the potential mentor(s). Almost all successful candidates have represented themselves well on the board and also communicated the project details in depth with the project mentor(s). We had a good GSoC 2013, and I expect nothing less from GSoC 2014. So good luck next year.   Sincerely, Chris.  From: Sumol Lodha <sumollodha_at_[hidden]> To: boost_at_[hidden] Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 1:45 PM Subject: [boost] GSoC 2014 Hi, My name is Sumol. I'm a 3rd year Computer Science student. I am new to Open Source Development and want to explore and experience it. I am interested to work for Boost in GSoC 2014. Seeing last year GSoC projects of BOOST I would be really interested in working projects related to maths and computing. Any pointers on how should I go about it ? Thanks, Sumol _______________________________________________ Unsubscribe & other changes:

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