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Subject: Re: [boost] RFC: Community maintained libraries
From: Steven Watanabe (watanabesj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-12-05 13:06:55


On 12/05/2013 09:36 AM, Alexander Lamaison wrote:
> ========
> Proposal
> ========
> My proposal goes further than Beman's and gives "Community
> maintainership" to all but the most well-maintained libraries. Each
> library would still have a named maintainer and this would be their
> role:
> <snip>

This wouldn't help anything. Every effort to
create a group that does general maintenance
in the past has fizzled out when most of the
participants lose interest. If we can't even
manage this for a few libraries that have no
active maintainer at all, it's completely
hopeless to try to establish it for even more

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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