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Subject: [boost] Boost unit test with BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS
From: driscoll (driscoll_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-12-06 16:30:13

I work on a team that uses compiles with exception support disabled.
(That... is not my decision, and no value judgments on that, please.

I'd kind of like to use the unit test library. However, at a surface
level it has lots of uses of raw try/catch/throw instead of
BOOST_TRY/BOOST_CATCH/BOOST_THROW. At a deeper level, I suspect what's
doing is throwing an exception on an EXPECT or ASSERT failure -- and
thus that disabling exceptions will basically mean that a test failure
will cause an immediate abort in the program. (I guess I can hack around
that in an ugly but somewhat-reasonable way.)

How hopeless is using the library with BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS?


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