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Subject: Re: [boost] [git] How the blazes are you supposed to update all the submodules?
From: Edward Diener (eldiener_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-12-20 09:21:01

On 12/20/2013 6:15 AM, Klaim - Joël Lamotte wrote:
> [sidenote about guis]
> I've used TortoiseGit for some time but I don't like the fact that they
> keep trying to emulate TortoiseSVN. TortoiseHg does it (for mercurial) in a
> better way by just keeping the basic principles of TortoiseSVN but not
> keeping the SVN-induced interface of TortoiseSVN. It means that the best
> way to work with DSVC is often to have a separate interface to see the
> overall tree of commits and other repository informations, so they provide
> a "workbench".
> These days I only use SourceTree for both git and hg. It's cross platform,
> it's almost as useful as the TortoiseHg workbench and it manage as many
> repositories (and subrepos) as you want in only one interface.

According to what I see it does not run on Linux. But it looks like a
pretty nice Windows alternative.

> Other pros: it allowed me to understand git flow better, it provides
> pre-configured terminal in the context of a repository so that you can do
> recipes the hard way if you want, and it can (if you chose to do it this
> way) use an embedded hg/git version instead of the one installed on the OS.
> Cons: it's often slow to respond, but last versions have been improved a
> lot on this side. I also have some issues with some details of the ergonomy
> but from exchanges with the devs, I apparently have an alien way of using
> some of the features.
> Basically, if TortoiseGit don't feels right and you don't want to use
> command line all the time, I suggest trying SourceTree.
> I have the boost repo in SourceTree right now, but didn't tried forking
> etc. yet, so I have no idea if it will manage the load manipulating 150+
> submodules.
> I'm studying/trying other tools too for use in cross-plateform contexts, so
> if you have other suggestiions of tools, I'm interested.

There is also SmartGit ( ), which is
free for non-commercial use.

I think TortoiseGit works pretty well myself but it is a bit
under-documented, with many GUI screens not providing an explanation of
all the options. Also their online Google group forum is not nearly as
active as the TortoiseSVN one.

> [/sidenote]

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