Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] [git-help][urgent] How do I ignore an upstream change to one file?
From: Peter A. Bigot (pab_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-12-30 10:38:13
On 12/30/2013 08:23 AM, Beman Dawes wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 3:40 PM, Phil Richards <news_at_[hidden]
>> On 29/12/2013 08:16, Cox, Michael wrote:
>> The only one that goes against this is:
>> git checkout my_modified_file
>> which doesn't require a "-f", and overwrites your local modified file
>> (without warning) with the version that is in the repository.
>> Ok, so that was only a single file lost... but:
>> git checkout .
>> does that to the whole directory, and, of course, is completely different
>> to:
>> git checkout
>> which doesn't do anything harmful.
> That's truly horrible!
> I tried "git checkout my_modified_file" myself to make sure I understood
> you correctly, it wiped out the changes without the slightest hint or
> warning that anything was amiss.
> https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/GitCautions has been updated
> accordingly.
> Does anyone know the rationale for not requiring -f or --force? Or could
> this be a bug in the git checkout implementation?
I'd bet a large finite amount it's not a bug. The rationale would be
that you told git to check out a specific file or directory, so git
assumes you meant it.
FWIW, I have:
stat = status --short --branch --untracked-files=normal
in my ${HOME}/.gitconfig, and my fingers are in the habit of typing "git
stat" at the command prompt whenever my brain hasn't fully processed the
results of whatever I last did. (I find "git status" too noisy.)
This usually leaves a blatant "you have modified/untracked files on this
branch!" signal still on the screen which my brain mostly notices before
I finish typing "git checkout ." (or, more frequently, "git reset
--hard" or "git clean -fd ." which are destructive of all modified and
untracked files, respectively). That, and frequent use of "git add -u"
to store unready but valuable changes in the index, makes data loss rare
and usually recoverable.
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk