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Subject: Re: [boost] What is trac doing and how do I stop it doing it??
From: Alexander Lamaison (awl03_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-02-06 11:50:56

"Vicente J. Botet Escriba" <vicente.botet_at_[hidden]> writes:

> Le 05/02/14 20:32, Alexander Lamaison a écrit :
>> "Fletcher, John P" <j.p.fletcher_at_[hidden]> writes:
>>> I am attempting to update a ticket and I am getting this:
>>> ------------------
>>> Captcha Error
>>> Submission rejected as potential spam (Content contained 1
>>> blacklisted patterns)
>>> Trac thinks your submission might be Spam. To prove otherwise please
>>> provide a response to the following.
>>> -------------------
>>> I would not mind but there is nothing to respond to and what I have
>>> typed seems to be lost.
>>> Where is there guidance on how to avoid this problem, please?
>> I've reported this before, as have others, but the reports never get a
>> response. If I knew who was responsible for maintaining the Trac, I'd
>> email them directly. Anyone know who is?
> I'm not sure, but maybe Rene Rivera.

Rene Cced. Is it you, Rene?


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