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Subject: Re: [boost] GSoC 2014 Boost.odeint project
From: Karsten Ahnert (karsten.ahnert_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-02-25 16:02:20


we would be very happy to find a student for the odeint project.

On 25.02.2014 12:22, SHANTANU SHAHANE wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a pre-final year engineering student. I am interested in the project
> of developing implicit routines in odeint library as a part of GSoc 2014. I
> have experience of C++ programming and also, I have studied basic numerical
> methods like Euler and Runge-Kutta.
> I would be grateful if someone would guide me as how to proceed further as
> in if I need to read some reference or to code some small problem etc.
> Thanks in advance.

the best way to proceed is to learn and understand the odeint library.
It would start with working through the turorial, reading and
understanding the source code (not to detailed) and learn about implicit
routines. Odeint is heavily templatized, so good knowledge about
advanced C++ template techniques is a must. Finally you need to write a
proposal what exactly should be done within the GSOC. It is of advantage
to be as precise as possible in describing the specific algorithms and
abstractions and how to implement them.

We are always happy to discuss about odeint and to answer concrete
questions about the proposal.


> Regards:
> Shantanu Shahane,
> Fourth Year Undergraduate,
> Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
> Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
> Powai, Mumbai-400076 (India).
> Mobile No.: 9967330927, 9370029097
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