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Subject: Re: [boost] libcpp.hpp always defines BOOST_NO_CXX11_HDR_ATOMIC
From: Edward Diener (eldiener_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-02-28 20:44:52

On 2/28/2014 7:49 PM, Peter Dimov wrote:
> Edward Diener wrote:
>> My own attempt to test clang on Windows with Boost show that it is
>> still largely inoperable with most Boost libraries:
>> 1) clang with MingW/gcc RTL - no multi-threading support.
> I didn't get that far. std::cout << std::endl crashes. printf works
> though, so there's that. Unfortunately, lightweight_test.hpp uses
> <iostream>, not <stdio.h>, so I got a crash on each and every test. :-)

Another proof tha clang under Windows is not yet ready for Boost. I did
not even try to get that far with the MingW/gcc version. Once it failed
some config tests which required multi-threading, and I reported it to
clang and was told that multi-threading was not yet implemented on
Windows, I stopped.

Your lightweight_test is great, no offense to Boost test which is
overkill for my testing needs. Of course it uses iostreams and not C

If clang MingW/gcc cannot handle iostreams it is not ready for much. Can
you create a bug report for that in clang's Bugzilla ?

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