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Subject: Re: [boost] Formal review request: Boost.Mixin
From: Borislav Stanimirov (b.stanimirov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-03-05 02:23:27

On 5.3.2014 г. 04:44 ч., Ron Garcia wrote:
> I have received your request and will add it to the review schedule.
> Could you send me a one-paragraph description to add to the Review
Wizard report?

Here you go:





Boost.Mixin is a library that allows the composition and modifications
of polymorphic types at run time. Types and objects are constructed out
of building blocks called mixins.

The library uses the type boost::mixin::object as a placeholder, whose
instances can be extended with existing classes (mixins), thus providing
a particular instance with the functionality of all those types.
Accessing the newly formed type's interface is made through messages –
stand-alone functions generated by the library, which can be thought of
as methods.

This is given while also having full abstraction between the interface
and the definition of types.

An existing feature in another language similar to Boost.Mixin and also
an inspiration for the library are the mixins in Ruby. The library also
has similarities with the pattern entity-component-system.

-- Borislav

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