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Subject: Re: [boost] [winrt support] Adding support for Windows 8 store/phone to Boost libraries
From: stgates (stgates_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-04-29 12:59:23
> Please do wait till next week though. I am currently writing a load
> soak test for Boost.Thread which tests mutexes, condvars and permits
> for perfection under heavy CPU load sustained over minutes or hours.
> As you may know, there have been some problems with Thread on Mac OS
> X, hopefully this test might illuminate the cause. I also don't want
> to bring boost::permit<> to here until I can prove it is perfect and
> has significant advantages over condvars for its particular use
> cases. As you know, it is extremely easy to accidentally have some
> extremely rare race condition in threading primitives, so on those I
> am extra special cautious.
Thread is probably the last of the Boost libraries I will submit my
contribution to since it depends on some of the others. I'm probably going
to start with build, config, and test.
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