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Subject: Re: [boost] ASIO in the Standard (was Re: C++ committee meeting report)
From: Dean Michael Berris (dberris_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-07-04 07:59:16
On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 9:18 PM, Niall Douglas <s_sourceforge_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> On 3 Jul 2014 at 23:16, Dean Michael Berris wrote:
>> FWIW, I was in the room when the Boost.Asio proposal was being
>> discussed way back in Kona. I haven't seen the most recent update to
>> the proposal, but if my original concerns were addressed, mainly:
>> - The io_service type was trying to be too many things at the same
>> time (executor, ran in thread-pools, implementing IO-specific hooks,
>> etc.) and was too prominent in the interfaces of primitive types (i.e.
>> sockets, etc.).
> Some would call that the low-level interfacing necessary to achieve
> bare metal performance.
But, there's no reason you couldn't decompose this and not make it
part of the invariants of the objects associated with them. For
example, when you create a socket object, can you not do that by
acquiring it from some function that internally would determine how
it's wired?
auto connection = establish_connection(remote_address, my_executor);
>> - There were too many leaking abstractions crossing boundaries --
>> being able to reach in to get native handles, buffer lifetimes
>> crossing in-and-out, etc.
> Ditto.
>> - The fact that it seems the only implementation of the networking
>> parts (and inter-operating bits implied by the interface) would be
>> through a proactor -- how the API was only proactive, no support for
>> just purely reactive applications.
> Kinda hard to do true async without.
Can you expand this a little?
>> - There's no means for doing "zero-copy" I/O which is a
>> platform-specific but modern way of doing data transfer through
>> existing interfaces.
> I don't know what you refer to here. ASIO doesn't copy data being
> sent or received. It passes through literally what it receives from
> the OS.
Does it support direct-memory I/O -- where I write to some memory
location instead of scheduling a write? See RDMA, and on Linux
vmsplice(...). Can I "donate" the memory I have from user-space to the
kernel, which just remaps the memory onto a device's memory buffer?
How do I achieve "raw" buffer performance if I have to provide a
user-space allocated buffer for data to be written into from the
kernel, and then write out data if the data was in a user-space buffer
that gets passed to the kernel?
We've moved on to better interfaces in the lower levels of the
networking stack, and it would be a shame if we precluded this from
being adopted by a standard library specification.
>> A few that come to mind for potential approaches here are:
>> - Transport-level abstractions. Considering whether looking at
>> policy-driven transport protocol abstractions (say, an http
>> connection, a raw TCP connection, an SCTP connection with multiple
>> streams, etc.) would be more suitable higher-level abstractions than
>> sockets and write/read buffers.
>> - Agent-based models. More precisely explicitly having an agent of
>> sorts, or an abstraction of a client/server where work could be
>> delegated, composed with executors and schedulers.
> These are all outside the remit of a core C++ networking library.
>> I say this with all due respect -- while network programming sounds
>> like it's all about sockets, buffers, event loops, and such there are
>> the "boring" bits like addressing, network byte ordering,
>> encoding/decoding algorithms (for strings and blobs of data), framing
>> algorithms, queueing controls, and even back-off algorithms,
>> congestion control, traffic shaping. There's more things to think
>> about too like data structures for efficiently representing frames,
>> headers, network buffers, routing tables, read-write buffer halves, ip
>> address tries, network topologies, protocol encodings (ASN.1, MIME and
>> friends), and a whole host of network-related concepts we're not even
>> touching in the networking discussions.
> I'm personally not unsympathetic to this sentiment. However, it would
> surely need POSIX to move on it first before C++ could.
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