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Subject: Re: [boost] 1.56.0 beta release candidate 2 available for testing
From: Bjørn Roald (bjorn_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-07-16 06:12:06
On 07/15/2014 06:58 PM, Marshall Clow wrote:
> The second release candidate files for 1.56.0 beta are available at
> http://boost.cowic.de/rc/
> MD5 (boost-1_56_0_b1_rc2.7z) = cd6267325a8dadbb82b384c4776ee450
build successfully on ubuntu 14-04 with gcc 4.8.2 and clang 3.5
results with gcc for building and running tests in status folder:
...failed updating 33 targets...
...skipped 41 targets...
...updated 50401 targets...
see attached file for summary of test failures. Tell me if there is
interests in more details.
I can also test the beta releases with std=c++11, c++1y and
stdlib=libc++ if there are any particular interest for any of that.
-- Bjørn
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