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Subject: Re: [boost] [GSoC] [Boost.Hana] Formal review request
From: Louis Dionne (ldionne.2_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-07-31 18:27:28
Karen Shaeffer <shaeffer <at> neuralscape.com> writes:
> [...]
> Hi Louis,
> I believe the clang C++ language support page claims that clang-3.4 fully
> supports C++14.
> http://clang.llvm.org/cxx_status.html
> Could you please explain why I will need clang-3.5 to work with your library?
Clang 3.4 has several C++14-related bugs that are fixed in 3.5, so it
segfaults almost instantaneously when you feed it Hana.
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