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Subject: Re: [boost] [git] Pushing commit(s) after pulling
From: Edward Diener (eldiener_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-08-19 00:18:28

On 8/18/2014 11:35 PM, Gavin Lambert wrote:
> On 19/08/2014 14:53, Edward Diener wrote:
>> I share a library with others and make some commit to a branch of that
>> library. Then I try to 'push' the commit, only to be told that there are
>> changes that have been made which I need to 'pull'. So I 'pull' the
>> latest changes for that branch, and luckily there is no conflict(s) with
>> my local commit(s).
>> What do I do now ?
>> I can 'push' my changes successfully but then the history of my
>> particular changes appears to be lost.
> Lost in what way?

The message in the log for my push says:

'Merge branch 'develop' of into develop'

rather than the actual commit message for my local repository change.

>> Am I supposed to revert my changes to the local repository by doing a
>> 'reset' and then reapply those changes ? That seems onerous.
>> What is the right way to 'push' my changes and still preserve the
>> history of each one of them on the remote repository ?
> What should have happened is something like this:
> A - B - D - F
> \ /
> C - E
> Where A/B are the common ancestors of the changes (B is the version that
> you last fetched). You made commits C & E in your local copy, but in
> the meantime your collaborators made commit D and pushed it. When you
> try to push E, git will warn you that you don't have the latest code and
> you should pull.
> When you "git pull", you will fetch D and then git will merge this to
> create F. You should now be able to push F and it will include all
> changes from both sides and the revision graph will look like the above.
> (git's revision graph is a very powerful and handy thing, completely
> unlike svn's graph, which is fairly useless; if in doubt, always look at
> the graph.)
> There's an alternate method of merging changes ("git pull --rebase")
> that would instead result in this graph:
> A - B - D - C' - E'
> ie. git fetches D, then rebases your original changes C and E onto it,
> thereby pretending that you created them after D as far as the history
> is concerned. Some people prefer this, others dislike it, but it's
> important to note that rebasing is a history-modifying action and you
> should never do it on anything that has already been pushed publicly
> (note that the original C and E are "destroyed" during the course of the
> above -- this means that if anyone else had based further work on one of
> these they would be forced to rebase in turn to get their copy back into
> a sane state). Which sounds a little scary when you first read it, but
> once you get your head around it can be quite handy when used correctly.

I think I was supposed to do the "git pull --rebase" so that my change
is applied on top of the pull's latest.

When I use Tortoise Git there is no "Pull&Rebase" but there is a
"Fetch&Rebase" so maybe that is what I am supposed to use in tgit.

Thanks !

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