Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] questions regarding dependency reports(s)
From: Stephen Kelly (hello_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-09-27 05:28:02
Robert Ramey wrote:
> I've been looking at the question of "dependencies" and I would
> like to know a little more about how they are generated.
> b) http://www.steveire.com/boost/2014sept16_serialization.png
> b) produces a very intimidating graph. I'm not sure what the
> rules are for it's generation. I'm guessing that it uses dependencies
> at the library level rather than the *.cpp level which might make
> things look worse than they are.
The dependencies shown are 'interface' dependencies between git repos.
for each git repo 'R':
for each file 'F' in 'R/include/boost':
if 'F' #includes a file in git repo 'D':
draw an edge from 'R' to 'D'
I did add some special cases for mplcore, which no longer exists, etc.
Checking the files in 'R/src/' in addition does not change much. In
particular for serialization, it does not add any edges.
I think the rules for Peters tool are similar, so my output should simply be
a graph version of the same information he's producing.
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