Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] Library list generated from meta/libraries.json files
From: Rene Rivera (grafikrobot_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-01-05 19:29:59
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 6:23 PM, Peter Dimov <lists_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Daniel James wrote:
>> If a pull request isn't accepted, then that suggests I'd have to continue
>> maintaining the metadata myself, in which case I'd rather keep it in the
>> website.
> Well, yes, I suppose. I hadn't thought of that.
> On the other hand, unmaintained libraries aren't likely to change, so the
> metadata would probably not be that much of a maintenance burden; and if
> you're going to generate libraries.htm and maintainers.txt from the json
> files, the latter would need to be present.
I don't get it.. I don't see anything in the meta/libraries.json that would
need frequent changes. For at least the Predef one I don't see it ever
needing to change. Is there something I'm missing?
-- -- Rene Rivera -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Robot Dreams - http://robot-dreams.net -- rrivera/acm.org (msn) - grafikrobot/aim,yahoo,skype,efnet,gmail
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