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Subject: [boost] [interprocess] BOOST_NO_SWPRINTF not honored...
From: Joseph Van Riper (fleeb.fantastique_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-03-09 09:27:03

This might seem pedantic, but with Microsoft's compilers magnify this issue
a bit.

boost/interprocess/detail/win32_api.hpp, line 2255 (as of boost 1.57) uses
std::sprintf even when BOOST_NO_SWPRINTF is defined.

This causes a problem for some folks (like me), as VC++ 2013 (and possibly
other Microsoft compilers) have set a pragma deprecating this function,
which leads to outright compiler errors when compiled with #pragma
strict_gs_check(on), as is required in some environments who are picky
about security.

I confess, I have not checked to see if interprocess still does this in the
latest code, but if it doesn't, I wonder if it could use an alternative
(Microsoft recommends sprintf_s, but you might know of something better).

- Trey

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