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Subject: Re: [boost] [test] boost.test owner unresponsive to persistent problems for multiple years
From: Edward Diener (eldiener_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-03-18 11:37:21

On 3/18/2015 10:48 AM, Raffi Enficiaud wrote:
> Le 18/03/15 14:43, Edward Diener a écrit :
>> On 3/18/2015 5:49 AM, Paul A. Bristow wrote:
>> Do I have to rebuild the Boost.Test library to get the new docs ?
>> Because the first thing I did was to try to view the new docs by opening
>> index.html only to find that there was no html documentation. Then I
>> tried 'b2 toolset=gcc-4.9.2' for building Boost.Test and received:
>> Performing configuration checks
>> - symlinks supported : yes
>> error: Unable to find file or target named
>> error: 'dyn_ut_example.cpp'
>> error: referred to from project at
>> error: '../../libs/test/example'
>> It does not appear that the 'develop' branch is ready for me at all.
> This is the location of the new documentation:
> I do not know about the update frequency
> In order to build the doc:
> cd $boost/libs/test/doc
> ../../../bjam -sDOCBOOK_XSL_DIR=/some/path/docbook-xsl-1.78.1/
> -sDOCBOOK_DTD_DIR=/some/path/docbook-xml-4.2/
> Doxygen should be in the $PATH. The previous command will build whatever
> is necessary.

Thanks, I was able to build the docs and view them from the top-level

Still the top-level jam file build should not be failing as it is doing
in the 'develop' branch.

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