Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] [Boost Document Library] Which SDK / OS to use for development?
From: Abhinav Tripathi (ee130002001_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-04-10 13:09:12
On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 8:05 PM, Anurag Ghosh <ghoshanurag1995_at_[hidden]>
> Hey
> I'm not sure about compiling with MinGW however, as you are a student (you
> are applying for GSoC), you can register at dreamspark.com and get a
> licensed copy of visual studio. (I did that, you may need to submit some
> identity proof though and create a microsoft account.)
I got Visual Studio Express (Free version from MS site) but they are asking
for windows 8.1 (i have 8)... I already hate windows 8 enough to not
upgrade to 8.1 ...... So, i never did use Visual Studio.
> For Libs and Includes of LibreOffice/OpenOffice SDK, (there might be very
> slight differences so please bear with me)
> 1. You will need to run setsdkenv_windows.bat and provide the various
> params. Download cat, sed etc from sourceforge/GnuWin32.
> 2. In the same terminal, then Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice
> 4\sdk\bin and run the following command to generate the includes,
> cppumaker.exe -Gc -O"$OO_SDK_OUT\include" "C:\Program Files
> (x86)\LibreOffice 4\URE\misc\types.rdb" "C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice
> 4\program\types\oovbaapi.rdb" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Libreoffice
> 4\program\types\offapi.rdb"
> This will generate all the necessary includes at $OO_SDK_OUT\include.
> 3. C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\sdk\lib contains all the necessary
> libraries to be linked.
> Now you have the libs and the includes which can be used by MinGW and msvc
> to compile programs (and wrappers) using these libraries. (use /LIBPATH: or
> /INCLUDE: or -I etc etc.)
> Hope this should help you a bit. :)
Thanks! :)
This really helps! I will try to compile with MinGW and search for
pre-compiled binaries, if possible.
If nothing works out, i will switch to linux. I have sufficient experience
with linux so that won't be much problem.
At first my intention was sole GSoC, so i was waiting for the results. Then
i realised that I have literally done nothing for any open source project.
That reduces my chances of selection and moreover now I must atleast start
to do something that will count in future. So, now i want to develop this
library anyway, GSoC or not, doesn't matter. :)
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