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Subject: Re: [boost] Recent changes in Boost policies
From: Peter Dimov (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-05-30 17:00:35

Andrey Semashev wrote:
> As has been said in multiple discussions on this list, there are generally
> three sets of dependencies: the
dependencies needed to use the library, to build it and to test it (well,
there is fourth also: to build its docs, but we'll ignore it for now). The
three sets can be very different. If I'm not mistaken (let Peter correct me
if I am), bpm takes care of the first two sets without distinguishing
between them and ignores the third one because it typically adds many more
dependencies that aren't needed if you don't intend to run the library

bpm currently does whatever the dependency file tells it to.

For a source release, this dependency file would presumably tell it to fetch
all libraries need to build (and it does for the example distribution).

For a binary release, the dependency file would tell it to fetch all
libraries needed for use.

I could in principle add an option to fetch the test dependencies and use
them instead.

The dependency file for the example distribution is

created by the line

dist\bin\boostdep.exe --track-sources --list-dependencies | xz --format=lzma
> %OUTDIR%\dependencies.txt.lzma

in the package.bat script.

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