Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] [metaparse] Practical usefulness
From: Abel Sinkovics (abel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-06-04 15:07:25
Hi Evgeny,
On 2015-06-04 09:44, Evgeny Panasyuk wrote:
> I am still using lambda in order to get type with string inside:
> https://github.com/panaseleus/ctte/blob/master/proof_of_concept/proof_of_concept.cpp#L162-L168
> Perhaps we should have two versions? Like:
> BOOST_<whatever we end up with>_STRING_TYPE
> and
> BOOST_<whatever we end up with>_STRING_VALUE or *_LAMBDA
> In this format-processing case *_VALUE version was perfectly fine,
> without any trade-off.
Unfortunately the lambda trick does not work in general (so not good for
BOOST_<...>_STRING), because you are not allowed to use a lambda inside
a decltype, so you can use it only as long as you pass the lambda object
to a template function (and use type deduction to get its type).
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