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Subject: Re: [boost] [Hana] Announcing Hana's formal review next week (June 10th)
From: Oleg Grunin (ogrunin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-06-09 16:30:01
Louis Dionne <ldionne.2 <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > [...]
> Indeed, you are using a Map when what you really want is a Tuple,
> your keys are integers. Here's the version I would have written:
> #include <boost/hana/integral_constant.hpp>
> #include <boost/hana/range.hpp>
> #include <boost/hana/tuple.hpp>
> using namespace boost::hana;
> static constexpr int map_size = 100;
> void run() {
> constexpr auto hana_range = range(int_<0>, int_<map_size>);
> auto hana_tuple = unpack(hana_range, [](auto ...n) {
> return tuple_t<std::array<char, decltype(n)::value>...>;
> });
> auto Array = hana_tuple[int_<69>];
> // instantiate the array
> constexpr decltype(Array)::type arr = {{0}};
> static_assert(sizeof(arr) == 69, "");
> }
> However, I can easily imagine another example where you actually need
> functionality of a Map. See below for performance comments.
Indeed, I used a range just to compress the code. It could have been:
typedef mpl::joint_view<mpl::range_c<int, 0, 50>, mpl::range_c<int, 51,
100> > mpl_range, which would likely not work with a tuple.
Btw, I couldn't find a way to combine several ranges with hana.
> 1. Clang generates horrible code for your example. I think the fault
> principally on the compiler, since it generates perfect code for up
> to ~20 elements, and then starts emitting complete crap. I'll
> up with the Clang team about this.
I hope they'll take it up, since it's the only compiler capable of
compiling this code.
> 2. The fault is also partially on the library, which does not compress
> the storage of empty types right now. Hence, your compile-time map,
> which contains (int_<...>, type<...>) pairs, actually has a huge
> sizeof, whereas it should have sizeof(char) since all those pairs
> are empty.
> Indeed, I was able to make the runtime performance issue go away by
> compressing the storage of empty types in Hana pairs. I opened an
> issue [2] to track the progress of this feature. By the way, I
> consider this a high priority feature.
> [...]
> As you can see, only your original Map example is bad, and it starts
> sudenly at about 30 elements, which reinforces my thinking that it's
> a compiler bug or quality of implementation issue. As you can see, my
> version using Hana Tuple is indeed 0 overhead, just like the MPL. I am
> confident that compressing empty types and making the Map
> more clever should resolve the issue you presented.
I wish there was a deterministic, language enforced way, to make sure
that stuff intended to be compile-time stayed as such. Relying on an
optimizer isn't all that comforting in this case. Although, it maybe
that the lack of constexpr lambda's makes it impossible.
> > Also it appears that Hana lets the compiler swallow all kinds of
> > that doesn't appear to have any practical meaning:
> >
> > I understand (maybe erroneously) that a hana::map can have a useful
> > application only if its keys are compile-time constructs, and yet I
> > able to compile:
> > make_map(make_pair(1, "one"), make_pair(2, "two"));
> You are correct when you state that Hana Maps require the keys to be
> comparable at compile-time, i.e. the comparison of two keys must
> an IntegralConstant.
> The above usage, which is generally meaningless, is impossible to
> at compile-time in general, because the type of the object returned by
> the comparison of 1 with something else may depend on that something
> else. In other words, we can only flag the above usage if there exists
> no 'x' (of any type) such that '1 == x' returns an IntegralConstant.
> However there is no way to assess that in general.
I am probably missing something, but can't you check that the first
element of every pair going into the map is a compile-time constant.
Isn't (1 == anything) either a bool or a compile-time error, whereas
int_<1> == anything is always a bool_<> or error?
Thanks for your more than exhaustive reply.
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