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Subject: Re: [boost] merging from develop to master
From: Jürgen Hunold (jhunold_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-06-29 01:16:12

Hi Stefan,

Am Sonntag, 28. Juni 2015, 15:42:56 schrieb Stefan Seefeld:
> On 28/06/15 03:25 PM, Andrey Semashev wrote:
> > On 28.06.2015 21:57, Stefan Seefeld wrote:

> > However, in your case I can see that develop is 73 commits behind
> > master as well. This is what normally should not happen. It means that
> > someone committed directly to master. I guess you will have to review
> > these commits and cherry-pick them to develop and then merge develop
> > to master.
> Why cherry-pick ? If master is the Golden Standard, everything should be
> rebased on that, no ? (Trying to rebase "develop" to current "master"
> stops at a commit from 2006, so it seems this rebasing has never been
> done before. And likewise for the other direction: As I reported, there
> are 276 commits in develop that haven't been merged to master, which
> must have accumulated over many release cycles.

It seems that the "release" and "trunk" branches were out of sync in good 'ol
svn times.

> I wonder what the best strategy is to fix this, even incrementally...

There is a sample cleanup session documented at

which somewhat covers your case.



* Dipl.-Math. Jürgen Hunold  ! 
* voice: ++49 4257 300       ! Fährstraße 1
* fax  : ++49 4257 300       ! 31609 Balge/Sebbenhausen
*             ! Germany

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