Boost : |
Subject: [boost] Boost 1.53 Libraries for Android
From: Ian Calegory (ianc102002_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-07-31 19:21:30
I've compiled and made available for download the Boost C++ 1.53 Libraries
for Android. This enables cross platform code in C++ that uses the Boost
libraries. It is especially useful for Embarcadero's FireMonkey environment
in RAD Studio, where cross platform code written in C++ can run on Windows,
Android, Mac OS X, and iOS. Conceivably, cross platform code can be written
using the Boost libraries that can run on all of the aforementioned
environments. (The other platform libraries would have to be available, of
course, and RAD Studio comes with Boost pre-compiled for Windows; Boost of
course is widely available for Mac OS X.)
Here is my web page where the include files and .a library files (one file
for each of the four main Android architectures) is available for download:
Any comments welcome.
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Ian Calegory
Software Engineer
<mailto:ianc102002_at_[hidden]> ianc102002_at_[hidden]
<http://www.mandelmania.net/> http://www.mandelmania.net
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