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Subject: Re: [boost] Copyright-less licence references
From: Gennadiy Rozental (rogeeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-09-15 12:01:20
Peter Dimov <lists <at> pdimov.com> writes:
> Gennadiy Rozental wrote:
> > * I am never clear what this line really mean. Copyright Joe Coder 2010 -
> > does this mean Joe has copyright up to 2010, starting 2010 or only in
> > 2010? Should one keep updating these disclaimers every January?
> "Copyright 2010 Joe Coder" - Joe Coder has authored the file in 2010.
And? What If rewrote it completely in 2013? Do I still hold copyright to the new
code starting with 2010?
> "Copyright 2010, 2012 Joe Coder" - authored some parts in 2010, others in
> 2012.
Which part is 2010 and which is 2012?
> "Copyright 2010-2013 Joe Coder" - has worked on the file from 2010 to 2013
> without long interruptions.
So, does my copyright expired in 2013? If it expired in some number of years, wh
do I need first number? (or second, depending on your point of view.
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