Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] git reset and force push
From: Raffi Enficiaud (raffi.enficiaud_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-10-07 10:21:45
Le 07/10/15 15:56, András Kucsma a écrit :
> [snip]
> Please don't force push. According to Github there are 42 people who have
> forked
> boostorg/test. At least that many people can be affected in very surprising
> ways
> and many more who're developing locally without a forked Github repository.
> To have a nice clean history all the time you have to always work on
> non-public
> branches and merge to public branches (like develop) only once you're sure
> your
> change is ready to be public. Until you make it public, you do whatever you
> want
> with the history.
> (btw, non-public branches can be branches published on Github, but not
> master or
> develop in case of boost)
> Please don't force push.
> Thanks,
> Andras
Ok, ok :) so 42 against. Such a nice number BTW.
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