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Subject: Re: [boost] Math tools polynomial enhancements
From: John Maddock (jz.maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-10-29 06:22:54
On 27/10/2015 21:49, Jeremy Murphy wrote:
> I was just looking at the polynomial class and thinking that it could be
> enhanced substantially with more operators. Presumably with division and
> remainder it would be a Euclidean ring and then you could even call gcd on
> it.
This is something of an open question.
I think there is a place for polynomial manipulation within Boost, but
I'm not sure that this class is the best basis. As we say in the docs,
it's a braindead implementation that's good enough for what I needed at
the time to implement Boost.Math, but not really suitable for heavy duty
polynomial manipulation.
Division is interesting because it's not actually clear to me what the
result should be - is it a polynomial (plus remainder) or is it a
rational function (suitable reduced by the greatest common divisor).
I think it probably needs to be written by someone who has a concrete
use case and is deeply familiar with the theory, I don't know if that's
you, but I do know it's not me ;)
Best, John.
> I have a draft implementation ready but I wanted to check that there is
> interest from the maintainers.
> Cheers.
> Jeremy
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