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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost and auto_ptr (was Boost 1.60.0 beta 1...)
From: Artyom Beilis (artyomtnk_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-11-12 03:34:10


>> And yet no-major compiler (besides MSVC 2015 or something like) really
> support
>> C++11 char16_t/char32_t (I mean all stuff including facets)
> What are you smoking?

A very good stuff ;)

On more serious note...

try to run

   std::basic_ostringstream<char16_t> ss;
   std::cout << ss.str().size() << std::endl;

You'll see that latest gcc with latest libstdc++ and latest clang with latest libc++
would give you 0 - .i.e no output generated (tested few weeks ago)

Only latest MSVC does the job.

Having char16_t and char32_t does not mean that they are actually useful.


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