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Subject: Re: [boost] [err] RFC
From: Domagoj Šarić (dsaritz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-11-19 11:29:15

On Thu, 19 Nov 2015 07:58:53 +0530, Gavin Lambert <gavinl_at_[hidden]>
> It also asserts if more than one fallible_result exists on the thread,
> which would catch the case that I mentioned too. Though asserts only
> help you in debug builds, of course. (This probably also means that
> it's a bad idea to have a coroutine suspension point between calling
> such a function and resolving the fallible_result...)

I'm honestly pretty ignorant WRT coroutines and so they haven't crossed my
mind...I'll have to examine any possible problems there after I get back
to my 'normal working conditions' in about 3 weeks...
...'though up front, I suspect that a std::exception_ptr like solution (if
a problem really does exist there) could probably be devised (i.e.
something similar as for transferring exceptions across threads)...

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 from one whose countenance exudes suspicion and hate."
Neil Postman

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