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Subject: Re: [boost] [teeks99][test] Test failures on MSVC 8-11
From: Raffi Enficiaud (raffi.enficiaud_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-11-21 15:54:52

Le 21/11/15 14:35, Andrey Semashev a écrit :
> On 2015-11-08 17:56, Raffi Enficiaud wrote:
>> Le 08/11/15 15:32, Andrey Semashev a écrit :
>>> [snip]
>>>>> Merged to master.
>>>> The tests are still failing on MSVC-8 and 9.
>>> ...and gcc 4.4 in C++11 mode is also broken:
>> I will have a look... tonight.

I didn't lie, I fixed the MSVC issues. Also I asked on how to compile
with gcc4.4~c0x, but I got no answer and I do not know where to look.

> gcc 4.4 is still failing.

I believe this code is correct:

static std::map<char,char const*> const char_type{{
     {'<' , "lt"},
     {'>' , "gt"},
     {'&' , "amp"},
     {'\'', "apos"},
     {'"' , "quot"}
#else /.../

Maybe I am missing something.

> qcc 4.4.2 is also failing similarly:

Same error.

What am I supposed to do with this log?

or that:


Why aren't the runners be able to capture the outputs?

> as well as mingw testers hosted by Ion:

Maybe because of "-Werror=unused-parameter" ? or maybe this one is
hiding something else?

and maybe because of "-Werror=sign-compare" ? or again this is hiding
something else that was cut off in the report...

I believe this is the wrong thing to do for those runners: raising those
trivial warnings as errors makes them quite useless and this is a waste
of time and resource for everybody.

Is boost.test compiling for the end users of those platform? I do not
know. Those runners are telling just nothing.

> Really, I'm very disappointed by Boost.Test quality lately.

What is the point you are trying to make?

On my side, I believe the regression workflow and tools **can and
should** be improved (runners cycling more frequently, outputs properly
captured, history, no downtime due to some big zip file, better
ergonomy, more responsive, etc etc).


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