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Subject: Re: [boost] [test] Boost.Test fails to build with gcc-4.6
From: Raffi Enficiaud (raffi.enficiaud_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-03-03 15:32:45

Le 03/03/16 12:04, John Maddock a écrit :
> See

The compiler looked broken to me (works eg. in 4.7), so I did not pay
that much attention to that, but maybe I should reconsider.

An example of error says this:

test_case_template-test.cpp:38:5: error:

'boost::test_tools::assertion::binary_expr<Lhs, Rhs,OP>::evaluate(bool)

LExpr = boost::test_tools::assertion::value_expr<int>,
Rhs = int&,
OP = boost::test_tools::assertion::op::EQ<int, int, void>

is not a member of

     boost::test_tools::assertion::op::EQ<int, int, void> >'


note that "Rhs = int&" for the first expression, while "int" in
"binary_expr<..., int>" for the second expression.

The corresponding code is

template<typename LExpr, typename Rhs, typename OP>
class binary_expr : public
expression_base<binary_expr<LExpr,Rhs,OP>,typename OP::result_type> {
     // snip

     assertion_result evaluate( bool no_message = false ) const
       // ....


This is an issue I was trying to fix for some time now. It appeared so
far only for gcc in C++0X mode and not in C++11. This is the following:

Say I have this:

template<typename T>
    op::name<ValType,typename RhsT<T>::type> >
operator ==( T&& rhs ) {
    return binary_expr<ExprType,
                       op::name<ValType,typename RhsT<T>::type> >
             ( /* ... */ )

The compiler complains because the type in the declaration and inside
the function mismatch, for some reason I do not get. Especially the type
"T" is seen as eg. "int&" from outside the function (eg. from "auto"),
while "T" is seen as "int" at the return statement.

Maybe this is a known issue in gcc and easy to fix?


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