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Subject: Re: [boost] [Root Pointer] New Documentation
From: Vladimir Batov (Vladimir.Batov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-04-10 23:02:48
Unfortunately you test below confirmed my suspicion. Now could you
kindly explain how your library is better than:
template<typename T>
struct manager
T* create(args) { all_.emplace_back(args); return &all_.back(); }
void remove(T*) { ... }
std::list<T> all_;
T* serves as your node_ptr -- all pointers are valid as long as its
manager instance is around. What am I missing?
On 04/11/2016 12:46 PM, Phil Bouchard wrote:
> On 04/10/2016 09:58 PM, Vladimir Batov wrote:
>> I have not looked at the implementation but from the design description
>> I suspect I know the answer. The core design decision (if I've got it
>> right) is that all node_ptrs are freed when its root_ptr goes out of
>> scope irrespectively of cycles or still legitimate references. Yes, it
>> solves the cyclic references... but also it invalidates all other
>> references.
> Sorry for the delay on this, I had to double check on Linux and
> Windows before answering and I ended up with this test case:
> struct A
> {
> int i;
> A(int i) : i(i)
> {
> std::cout << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": " << i << std::endl;
> }
> ~A()
> {
> std::cout << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": " << i << std::endl;
> }
> };
> node_ptr<A> get_int()
> {
> root_ptr<A> r = make_root<A>(9);
> node_ptr<A> p = make_node<A>(r, 10);
> return p;
> }
> int main()
> {
> node_ptr<A> p = get_int();
> std::cout << p->i << std::endl;
> }
> And it outputs:
> A::A(int): 9
> A::A(int): 10
> A::~A(): 9
> A::~A(): 10
> 10
> But yes the behavior is undefined in this particular case so I need to
> write this down in the docs. Thanks Artyom...!
>> Well, I've noticed you tend to make quite grandiose statements like "50
>> years wondering about GC", "People do not use" and "C++ will need". If I
>> were you, I'd certainly refrain from those -- they add nothing but might
>> show you in unfavorable light. Because if you and I disappear from the
>> face of the earth tomorrow, the humankind, IT and C++ won't be left to
>> "wonder for 50 years about" anything. Trust me.
> Sorry I used the wrong wording but let's just say that the stakes are
> high.
>> Secondly, I work with networks/graphs. I do not use GC and C++ handles
>> that "complexity" just fine. In fact, if I had to name an area which I'd
>> label with the "complexity" tag, it would not be the memory management.
> The same goal we all have is to write as few lines of code as possible
> for a given task. If I can prove that by using root_ptr, the code
> will be simpler then I think I will have made my point.
>>> There is a minimum of explicitness that needs to be done by the
>>> programmer.
>> That argument is as good for shared_ptr/weak_ptr combination as it's
>> good for root_ptr/node_ptr... If I were forced to deploy one or the
>> other.
>>> Because letting the entire memory being managed implicitly results in
>>> slow performance like we see with Java or Javascript.
>> Well, we are not in Java. And from C++ perspective your statement is so
>> wrong that I do not know even where to begin. :-) But that's a different
>> altogether topic.
> Well for example it is obvious a pool of objects of the same type is
> must faster than a pool of objects of any size but you need to call
> the right pool explicitly.
> But it's like you are saying one solution moves the problem somewhere
> else:
> - the GC is 100% implicit but you need "finalizers"
> - shared_ptr needs a weak_ptr to handle cycles
> - root_ptr needs a node_ptr and has potential undefined behaviors
> At the end of the day it's all about the most commonly used use cases
> and if the library can:
> - reduce the amount of lines of codes
> - is more efficient or not
> - is more robust or not
> - is more extensible or not
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