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Subject: Re: [boost] CMake - one more time
From: Gavin Lambert (gavinl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-04-20 19:48:26

On 21/04/2016 05:54, Robert Ramey wrote:
> On 4/20/16 9:10 AM, Vinnie Falco wrote:
>> Not sure about your specific situation, but I use Visual Studio 2015
>> Update 2 and I have no trouble at all debugging executables built with
>> Boost.Build. Just choose File->Open->Project/Solution and then select
>> the .exe file from the bin/ directory or wherever it is.
> LOL - used VS for years and never knew I could do that! I would never
> have believed it could find the orginal source code in the library from
> the executable.

It doesn't -- it finds them from the .pdb files. But as long as you
have these next to the .exes (or in your symbol path, though this is
less common for things you've built yourself) then it works.

This is also how you can step into code compiled in one solution while
debugging another, which can be handy to keep the number of projects in
a solution manageable, particularly for libraries that don't change often.

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