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Subject: Re: [boost] [builds] broken
From: Stefan Seefeld (stefan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-03-02 15:31:17

Hi Rene,

many thanks for looking into this !

On 02.03.2017 10:25, Rene Rivera via Boost wrote:
>>>> On develop, I have the following error for gcc/linux and clang/osx:
>>>> 01-Mar-2017 23:58:05 libs/python/build/Jamfile:155: in lib_boost_numpy
>>>> 01-Mar-2017 23:58:05 *** argument error
>>>> 01-Mar-2017 23:58:05 * rule lib ( names + : sources * : requirements *
>>>> : default-build * : usage-requirements * )
>>>> 01-Mar-2017 23:58:05 * called with: ( : numpy/dtype.cpp
>>>> numpy/matrix.cpp


>>>> OK.. Which means that the version number for whatever python it picks up is
>>>> undetermined and blank. I'll have to figure out why that is.

It would also be very useful to improve the error reporting. It isn't
obvious at all from the "argument error" to conclude that a variable
("version") that was supposed to be defined, actually isn't.


      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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