Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] Header Inclusion practices
From: Vicente J. Botet Escriba (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-04-11 19:23:35
Le 11/04/2017 à 19:55, Robert Ramey via Boost a écrit :
> As long as I can remember, it's been my practice to write program code
> to minimize dependencies on the environment in which it is built. By
> environment I mean things external to the code itself like
> environmental and command line variables, directory context etc. As
> part of this I use rules for header file inclusion:
> a) use #include "header.hpp" for files in the same directory as the
> current source file.
> b) use #include "other directory/header.hpp" for files which are known
> to be in a specific place relative to the current file. This shows up
> in things like: #include "../include/header.hpp" for tests and examples.
> c) use #include <boost/serialization/xml_archive.hpp> for files which
> are found by looking in directories listed in "-I" switches and
> environmental variables (INCLUDE). I generally try not to depend upon
> any environmental variables as I always forget to set them or even how
> to set them. Come to think about it. I don't know how my build
> system finds the boost libraries. I presume it's through some
> IDE/Bjam/CMake setting which I can never remember.
> d) use #include <iostream> for standard library components. Presumably
> these are routed to some directory relative to the compiler.
> So some of my source files look like:
> // interval.hpp header for safe numerics library
> #include <limits>
> #include <cassert>
> #include <type_traits>
> #include <array>
> #include <initializer_list>
> #include <boost/logic/tribool.hpp>
> #include <boost/core/demangle.hpp>
> #include "utility.hpp" // log
> #include "checked_result.hpp"
> #include "checked.hpp"
> and
> // example using he safe numerics library
> #include <iostream>
> #include <limits>
> #include <boost/integer.hpp>
> #include "../include/cpp.hpp"
> #include "../include/exception.hpp"
> #include "../include/safe_integer.hpp"
> #include "../include/safe_range.hpp"
> This has raised consternation in some quarters - but I don't see
> anything wrong with it. It basically means that only the <boost
> libraries are depended on the whole b2 business. I didn't want the
> incubator version of the the safe numeric library to depend on the
> library having been accepted into boost have have b2 run. Also I
> don't like adding the library to boost - and having to change all the
> headers. What if someone want's to run the tests/examples outside of
> the boost tree.
> As far as I know this question has never been asked before and I'm
> curious to know what others might have to say about this.
#include "whatever.hpp"
disallows to check a .cpp file mocking the whatever.hpp file.
If you use instead
#include <library ... path/whatever.hpp>
you can via your build system (-I option ) choose a diferent file
located in a different folder that stubs, fakes or mocks the real file.
I you don't do such kind of test, then I would agree with Steven.
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk