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Subject: Re: [boost] GMane reflection of Boost mailing list messages
From: Gavin Lambert (gavinl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-05-01 01:17:38

On 29/04/2017 07:20, Edward Diener wrote:
> I am a user of GMane in regard to Boost mailing lists and it appears
> that GMane is no longer picking up Boost mailing list changes or
> allowing users to respond to mailing list posts through the
> corresponding GMane ng.

The website has been broken (and not archiving new posts) for a long
time, but the news gateway is still working fine as far as I'm aware --
I'm using it both to see and to respond to this post.

(The delay in responding is not a gateway issue; I just don't read the
group in the weekend.)

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