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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost.Outcome review - First questions
From: Peter Dimov (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-05-23 15:09:47

Niall Douglas wrote:
> (and sorry Peter, your expected<T, E...> design I am not persuaded by, but
> perhaps I am overestimating the brittle coupling generated by allowing
> every possible domain specific error type to bubble up to high level code)

This is not a design I personally find appealing - it's the equivalent of
checked exceptions - but the fact remains that different libraries use
different Es.

Not a problem for result/outcome because the E is fixed.

> If someone comes along with an obviously superior design to both Expected
> and Outcome, that would be an enormous win.

There's nothing much to improve upon in result/outcome as long as 4/5 of the
stuff is thrown out.

template<class T> class result

    result(); // T() or error, legitimate fork

    result( T const& );
    result( T&& );

    result( std::error_code const& ) noexcept;

    result( result const& );
    result( result&& );

    result( outcome const& ); //?
    result( outcome && ); //?

    bool has_value() const noexcept;
    bool has_error() const noexcept;

    T value() const;
    T value() &&;

    std::error_code error() const;

    explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

    void swap( result& ) noexcept;

That's literally it.

As an extension, let's add the ring buffer:

    result( std::error_code& error, char const* message, uint32_t code1,
uint32_t code2... );
    result( std::error_code& error, extended_error_info const& info );
    extended_error_info error_info() const;

There we go.

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